- North Salem Central School District
- How to Enroll in School
Kindergarten Registration Information
Kindergarten Registration Information
Children who will be 5-years-old on or before December 1, 2025, are eligible for enrollment in the North Salem Central School District.
Kindergarten registration, for the upcoming 2025/2026 school year, for children not currently attending universal pre-school at PQ, will take place on December 9th through December 11th from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Parents and guardians can complete the kindergarten registration paperwork below, and bring it to their scheduled appointment.
If your child will be 5 on or before December 1, 2025, and you would like to register your child for kindergarten, please contact Laura Tartaglia by phone at 914-669-5317 ext. 3056 with your child's
information and to make an appointment.For further information, please refer to the registration letter at the beginning of the paperwork.
Contact Laura Tartaglia if you have any questions.
Kindergarten Registration Documents
General Registration Information
Please be prepared with the following:
- Birth certificate or other proof of birth (passport, baptismal certificate)
- Photo identification of parent registering the student (driver's license, etc.)
- Proof of residency (deed or mortgage statement with address of property)
- If renting, acceptable proof of residency would be a lease/rental agreement along with proof of ownership of the landlord of the property
- Health Examination Form All new students require a physical exam within 12 months prior to the date of enrollment
- Immunization Record
- Proof of guardianship (if applicable)
- Home Language Form
General Registration Documents
Laura Tartaglia
914 669-5317 xt. 3056Grades 1 - 12
Ms. Sharon Verdejo
914-669-5414, xt. 1061